
The All-inclusive 90 day program is designed for clients who know they are at the doorway of huge change and they want to accelerate their efforts into self discovery, healing, and habit change. The program offers twice weekly 1-2 hour online or in person private coaching sessions for the first 30 days while the current state to future state are being explored and action plans implemented. The second and third months include weekly private sessions one hour in length. Weekly reiki and other self care modalities, such as intuitive card readings, past life regression guided meditations, non therapeutic massage, reflexology, visualizations, etc are incorporated as needed to support client growth and healing. Unlike other support programs, clients who opt for this program also have Sally as a training coach for movement appropriate to the needs of the client. Unlimited yoga, cardio, restorative classes are included in the package, and clients are required to participate in kundalini yoga classes, at a minimum, to help balance the nervous system during this intense time. The all-inclusive plan also includes a private retreat at Ready2Grow Yoga in Delaware Ohio (yes, that does mean travel in for clients outside the area), preferably within the first 30 days of the program if weather and other factors can be arranged. Private retreats include deep anger and grief energy release, lots of self care and healthy meals, private space to unwind and process, and at least 3 hours per day of coaching sessions. Sally is available to clients in the program by text and phone as needed during the first 30 days to assure the client is supported through the most intense phase of the program. Clients are encouraged to follow this program a 10 session wellness package for support as they transition out of the program. A rare client will follow the 90 day program with this same 90 day program, but those are clients in a deep transformation phase of their life cycle. This program uses many analytical tools from organizational development, wooo-wooo stuff, and includes aspects of emotional, spiritual (defined by the client), physical, and relational growth & balance. The methodology specifically utilizes the proven pathway of awareness-education-accountability. Only sign up for this program if you are ready AND willing.