4-8 person group Retreats
Wed, Dec 31
Have a small group of friends you’d like to retreat with for a day, weekend, or even a week? A topic of your choice will be woven into your time together with a variety of activities chosen by your group (yoga, relaxation in the heated pool, release ceremony, healing visualization, coaching, etc).

Time & Location
Dec 31, 2025, 7:00 PM
Delaware, Delaware, OH 43015, USA
About the Event
In collaboration with Sally, the agenda is matched to your group’s needs. Dates are available for December 2024, Jan and Feb 2025, April 2025, June 2025, Sept 2025, and December 2025.
Light, vegetarian meals are provided. If four guests, everyone gets his/her own bed. If more, then beds are shared. The cost is determined by the number of retreat days, with the total cost being split between guests participating ($750 for one day (no overnight); $2000 for 2 overnights (3 days), $5,000 for a week. For healing retreats with lecture, discussion and coaching, pricing is set for 6 hrs contact time and the rest is integration, reflection and rest/play. Contact Sally by text at 614-306-3096 or email sceselski@gmail.com for details on how this can serve your needs.